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SINPAIN pre-Christmas Meeting in wintry Liverpool

On 14 and 15 December 2022, the SINPAIN consortium held its first progress meeting since the beginning of the project half a year earlier.

Our SINPAIN partner, the University of Liverpool, hosted the two-day meeting in a surprisingly wintry Liverpool. Since not all partners could come to the UK so close to Christmas, the meeting was held in a hybrid format, thus making the participation of everybody possible. This meeting fostered the opportunity for all work packages within the consortium to not only present their progress and first results but allowed for productive discussions and constructive collaborations. This is particularly important at the start of the project when the scene is to be set for future work and interaction between the work packages needs to be strengthened. This will eventually lead to better results and a greater impact on the outcome. Upcoming points of action within the project were also discussed and agreed upon. The meeting was rounded off with a walk across the Liverpool university campus on the way to the dinner location.

The partners were delighted for the opportunity to meet in person and are eager to continue the successful development of the SINPAIN project in the upcoming years.

The SINPAIN team is looking forward to meeting again in 2023!

SINPAIN consortium
View over Liverpool
SINPAIN during the meeting