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SINPAIN Participates in Cluster Collaboration Meeting With Other Horizon 2020/Europe Projects

The 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) brought together 1,200 international researchers and innovators at the famous Conference Center in Davos, Switzerland. The conference has been organised by AO Research Institute (ARI) – a pioneering excellence hub to advance orthopedic patient care through innovative research and development.

Sharing the conference's overall objective, namely to promote interactions and collaborations between researchers, educators, clinicians and industry representatives interested in biomaterials, SINPAIN partner Eurice initiated a collaboration workshop on 8 September. The workshop welcomed coordinators and project participants of different Horizon 2020/Europe projects to share insights and visions to strengthen clustering activities between Horizon projects in health-related biomaterial research.

SINPAIN, represented by Damien Dupien (Coordinator, CIDETEC) and Jörg Scherer (WP Leader Innovation, Eurice) met in a joint meeting with the following Horizon 2020/Europe projects:

The overall aim of this Cluster Collaboration with other related projects in the field of biomaterials is to maximise impact and drive innovation by forming new bonds and collaborations. For this first meeting, the main purpose was to share best practices, exchange experiences and explore possibilities for future collaboration.

After an initial overview of the goals of the Cluster Collaboration and various ideas for collaboration, the individual projects were presented in a nutshell. This session has been followed up by identifying and selecting a number of concrete clustering activities to be implemented in a pilot phase within the different projects.

A big thank you to all participants for a co-creative and very constructive meeting in a very inspiring location in Davos.

Collaborative action creates impact!

Inspiring meeting location in Davos
Damien Dupin
Workshop participants
Eurice's Jörg Scherer in action
cmRNAbone coordinator Professor Martin Stoddart, AO Research Institute