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SINPAIN on OAFI TV and radio channel

We have a special treat for our Spanish speaking community! This week, SINPAIN coordinators Damien Dupin and Angela Moncada Pazos from CIDETEC gave an interview on the OA Foundation International (OAFI)’s TV and radio channel explaining how SINPAIN’s new therapies – combining nanoformulations, siRNAs, improved hydrogels and regenerative peptides – could revolutionize the possibilities to treat Osteoarthritis (OA) and bring new hope to patients.

In the centre of OAFI’s philosophy is the patient believing that only a well-informed patient is an empowered patient. On their TV and radio channel OAFI publishes two weekly radio and television programmes in which the latest medical advances on OA are presented.
One of the most recent episodes was dedicated to the innovations of the SINPAIN project. Damien Dupin and Angela Moncada Pazos met with the OAFI host Txe Arana and Dr Josep Vergés, the President and CEO of OAFI who had joined us in our SINPAIN meeting in Barcelona in November 2023.

The complete interview (in Spanish) is available here.