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SINPAIN Meeting in Barcelona offered opportunity to meet OAFI

The agenda for the project’s 3rd Progress Meeting, hosted by Asphalion on 21-22 November 2023 in Barcelona, was packed. With 1.5 years into the project, we are about to hand in our first report with the European Commission and have our first Review Meeting in January 2024. Accordingly, progress and open questions were thoroughly discussed among the consortium, circling around choosing the right nanoformulations to move forward with the project.

The afternoon of the first day was blocked for a workshop with the International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI). During this meeting, we took the opportunity to present SINPAIN and its goals and, in turn, Josep Vergés Milano from OAFI gave us an insight into the foundation which is exclusively dedicated to people with osteoarthritis. He explained their mission of promoting the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and the multitude of activities that they carry out. Their visit was very inspiring and possibilities to cooperate in the future were discussed vividly during the meeting. We hope to be able to profit from their diverse communication channels and plan to attend one of their bi-annual meetings in 2024.

On the second day, we had two internal workshops. The first one was led by Asphalion with the intention to teach the SINPAIN consortium about regulatory awareness. The workshop included a fun quiz among all participants and very useful insights about the questions to ask and issues to consider when applying for regulatory approval of nanotherapeutics. The basics provided during the workshop should help to ensure that the studies implemented in SINPAIN are well designed and minimize unnecessary use of recources.
The meeting closed with a workshop on exploitation issues led by EURICE, in which the partners took a closer look at the initial key exploitable results defined during the preparation of the project. Based on the discussions, we were able to categorize level 1 and level 2 key exploitable results and identified those for which a categorization has to be done at a later point as they are not mature enough just yet.

Overall, this was a very interactive and lively meeting with a multitude of new insights.

SINPAIN consortium
Cidetec and the OAFI group
Regulatory workshop by Asphalion