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SINPAIN at SBMS Annual Meeting

On 6-7 June 2024, the Regenerative Orthopaedics group from the AO Research Institute (ARI) enjoyed the excellent Swiss Bone and Mineral Society (SBMS) Annual Meeting and SBMS Summer School held in Bern and Olten, Switzerland.

Huan Meng presented the latest work done by ARI in SINPAIN entitled “A Mechanical Stimulated In Vitro 3D Osteoarthritis Model Targeting Subchondral Vascularisation and Cartilage Degradation.”

Although it was a relatively small and local meeting, it was quite interactive, drawing the attention of scholars, especially young researchers, from the bone research focus area. It received positive feedback not only from those young investigators but also from experienced researchers from institutions in Zurich, Bern, Lausanne, and Basel. Further interesting topics, such as methodologies for modelling subchondral bone and targeting vascularization, were also discussed at the meeting.

Meet the Regenerative Orthopaedics group at ARI here.