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Cartilage Net Congress 2023 – Fostering research & innovation in the Greater Region

On 28-29 September 2023 the Cartilage Net Congress 2023 co-chaired by Magali Cucchiarini and Henning Madry from SINPAIN partner Saarland University took place in Saarbrücken, Germany.

The Cartilage Net was founded in 2011 in Homburg/Saar within the framework of the University of the Greater Region and has, since then, significantly contributed to foster cross-border collaboration in the Greater Region of Belgium, France, Germany and Luxembourg in the field of basic and clinical cartilage research.

The Congress coincided with the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty and the 75th anniversary of Saarland University and thus offered the great opportunity to celebrate together with inspiring talks on the first conference day not only in the field of bone research but also with regard to cross-border friendship and challenges for Europe in the future.

The second day fully concentrated on the exchange of scientific insights and results giving a special focus to young researchers and PhD students. This included research on new concepts of joint preservation surgery, advanced gene therapy strategies, or new delivery systems to target chondrocytes. Mohammadsaeid Enayati from Saarland University (University Hospital Homburg), e.g., reported on functionalized hydrogels as smart gene delivery systems to treat cartilage disorders.

More information is available on the homepage of Saarland University.

Magali Cucchiarini and Henning Madry from Saarland University
Jakob von Weizsäcker, Minister of Finance and Science, Saarland