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A cost-effective combined advanced therapy to treat knee osteoarthritis

A Pint of Science for SINPAIN

The global science festival “A Pint of Science” took place simultaneously in 25 participating countries on 13-15 May 2024. Founded in 2013, the festival is set out to bring science closer to society making research accessible to people with no prior knowledge of the topic.

Angela Moncada from CIDETEC participated in this year’s event with a talk entitled “¡Déjame entrar! Nanotecnología para curar células (Let me in! Nanotechnology to cure cells)”. It covered the topic of therapies based on nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), a revolution in medicine as those molecules can cure conditions that could not be cured before. Angela explains: “DNA or RNA is introduced into cells to correct our genetic information, correctly interpret the messages of our genome or immunize us against pathogens. But getting that genetic material to the cell is a challenge: destroying enzymes, physical barriers and rapid elimination are some of the issues faced.” To overcome those challenges, CIDETEC is working on producing non-viral vectors which use SiRNAs and mRNAs, to treat osteoarthritis and improve bone regeneration, respectively.

Locations of the Pint of Science Festival mainly include bars, pubs, cafes and other public spaces, thus providing an easily accessible platform for the public to discuss with researchers. Angela presented in the Mala Gissona pub in Donostia/San Sebastian. Her talk attracted approx. 100 people.